Don’t be Cane-Shy Anymore!

Moving from Cane-Shy to Bring it!

Why does a medical device create such embarrassment? How many cane-shy seniors do you know who won’t use a cane, because they see it as a sign of weakness?  The better question is, why would anyone hesitate to use a cane, if they were also trained in cane self-defense? Every day GM Mark Shuey helps seniors transition from “cane-shy” to a “bring it” strength level. You may be the only one who knows it, but attackers will be convinced soon enough if necessary. That’s because you can turn into a renegade  when you need to be, with just a little time and training. 

from cane shy to bring it!
From Cane-shy to bring it!

A Different Perspective on Self Defense

In a Santa Barbara LifeCare Alliance Senior Safety Tips publication, cane use isn’t limited by public opinion.  Because seniors are perceived as one of the more vulnerable victim groups, only cane wielding seniors can prove them wrong.  A list of steps to better safety includes two great suggestions. 1. “If you use a cane, walker or wheelchair, learn how to use it to your advantage.”  2. Decide ahead of time what possessions are worth physically fighting over.”  Cane Fu of The American Cane System can help you follow up on both decisions. You can learn and become able to use the cane to your advantage, and you can defend what you choose to fight for.

Learn Cane Fu From Anywhere

The original creator of Cane Fu is available to train you virtually at the American Cane System.  Grandmaster Mark Shuey Sr. founded both Cane Masters and the American Cane System.  He split away from cane production to focus solely on training students.  Today GM Mark Shuey takes on students for strength training and self-defense techniques using a humble mobility device, the cane.   GM Shuey show trainees they don’t have to be cane-shy ever again.

Have Your Cane And Beat it Too. 

As GM Mark Shuey explains in an ABC news article, “It’s (Cane) a medical device, so it’s always with you.”  If you carry a knife, you’ve got to take it out of the sheath.  If you carry a gun, you have to take it out of the holster.[With[ a cane, you’re already locked and loaded.”  The knife and gun can’t go all over, but a cane can. Train your body to turn the cane from a medical aid to a weapon of self-defense and take it everywhere.  Accomplish all of this through the virtual dojo at the American Cane System.

Help is a Phone Call Away

Call GM Shuey at (775) 772-9471 for class schedule and signup information.  Deep breathing starts at 8 am several mornings a week. From there, classes grow a little more intense, as you move into graduated stances and techniques.  You will be amazed at the weekly changes you experience.  While the body grows stronger and more agile, the mind experiences a positive change too. Don’t be cane*shy forever. You can call and get the information.  It might just be the best call you make this year!